Sunday, July 27, 2008

XSS-ing Firefox Extensions

[EDIT]:It turns out I fail at testing things on the latest version, see comments for some more details, sorry about that Roee.[/EDIT]

Roee Hay recently posted a blog post on the Watchfire blog about an XSS bug in the Tamper Data extension (it was posted much earlier, but removed quickly; RSS is fun), however when he assessed the impact he was wrong.

The context of the window is still within the extension, and so by executing the following code you can launch an executable:

var file = Components.classes[";1"]

(Code stolen from

But even then; I had never even heard of the Graphing functionality in Tamper Data, and given the need to actually use the functionality on a dodgy page, the chance of anyone getting owned with this seems very small to me.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Licensing Content

Now, I am not a lawyer (so I don't know what information can be licensed and what can't), but as far as I know the fact that I have specified no license for the use of content on this blog does not mean it is public domain, or similar.

So, I just wanted to make a quick post about what license the content of this blog is provided under.

All the information on this blog is DUAL LICENSED,
1. If you plan to use it for personal or non-profit purposes you can use it under the Creative Commons "Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0" license.

2. In the case you plain to use it for _any_ other purpose, e.g.:
   a. use the information in any commercial context
   b. implement this information in your non-GPL application
   c. use this information during a Penetration Test
   d. make any profit from it
   you need to contact me in order to obtain a commercial license.

Seems only fair to me :)

P.S. Since realistically the chance of me finding a violation is slim-to-none, and the chance of me actually doing anything about it (e.g. going to court, etc), is even smaller, this is more a statement of my will for the information than anything else.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Some Random Safari Notes

I got to take a quick look at some Safari stuff at work a few days ago, and came away with a few notes that I thought might interest people about Safari:

Cross-Site Cooking works the same way as it does in Firefox 2.0, namely it works just as the RFC describes and we can set cookies for,, etc.

HttpOnly is not supported.

Safari parses Set-Cookie headers like the RFC says, which means that cookies are comma separated (no other browsers seem to do this), which means that in ASP.NET and JSP, when you use the framework's method of setting cookies and you let the user control the value, they can inject arbitrary cookies by specifying something like ", arbitrary_name=arbitrary_value" as the cookie value.

Referers are not leaked from https to http, but are leaked from one https site to another https site.

The safari cache (at lest on windows) is an SQLite database where all the data is double hex encoded; it looks something like X'aabbccddeeff, etc, and when you strip the first two chars and decode it you get another blob which looks identical to the first one, which you then need to decode the same way and you get an XML document with the data, I wrote this dodgy PHP function to do the conversion for me: (you need to call it twice on the blob you extract from the database)

function decode_blob ($blob) {
$ret = "";
for ($i=2,$c=strlen($blob);$i<$c;$i+=2) {
$ret .= chr(hexdec ($blob[$i].$blob[$i+1]));
return $ret;

On the iPhone (emulator at least; I didn't get to use an actual iPhone), the last character of the password field is shown before you type the next one in (and untill the field loses focus); this makes sense since it's hard to type on iPhones, but it's still curious.

Safari on the iPhone (emulator, again) doesn't seem to actually close, so unless you close the emulator (I'm assuming this is equivalent to turning off your iPhone; if that's even possible), all session cookies persist.

Hope that helps someone.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Cookie Path Traversal

Not sure if anyone actually cares about this, but thought I might just throw it out here: I found out a while ago that if a server is running IIS (or something else which accepts windows-style paths), then it is possible to get cookies sent to paths that they do not belong to by using an encoded backslash to indicate a directory delimiter like this:

It works on all the browsers I tested (latest versions of IE, Firefox, Opera & Safari).

Not really useful, maybe on the off chance that, say, you need httpOnly cookies for some reason, and you can see headers for part of a path (e.g. because there's a phpinfo page in the root, but the cookie is for /app), or whatever, supposedly this was considered a security issue by Secunia way back when you could use %2e%2e/ on all servers in all browsers: (Though I think the premise for that bug is that you can't jump pages, which is of course wrong)