Friday, October 27, 2006

Myspace XSS Fragmentation - Again

Well, as Dark Reading reported I believed that the patch MySpace implemented was near-sighted, and that it was possibly vulnerable to more XSS Fragmentation attacks. And it is.

(The following rewritten for clarity. 28/20/06 11PM GMT)
MySpace XSS Vulnerability 0day
Released 28/10/06
by kuza55 of


1.0 Introduction
2.0 Analysis
2.1 MySpace's Fix
2.2 Other XSS Fragmentation Attacks
3.0 PoC
4.0 Final Notes

1.0 Introduction
The vulnerability explained here is an XSS Fragmentation attack. Breifly, and XSS Fragmentation attack is one which works by placing 2 seperately harmless pieces of HTML into two different input field which are rendered on the same page, which when rendered join to create a dangerous attack vector. More details, along with the previous MySpace attack, can be found here: XSS Fragmentation Attacks + Myspace 0day

MySpace found about the vulnerability in the above link and implemented a 'fix', it hasn't held.

2.0 Analysis
This section should explain what MySpace did, and why other Fragmentation attacks don't work.

2.1 MySpace's Fix
This section assumes you already know about the previous vulnerbaility.

Anyway, the fix that MySpace implemented altered their event handler stripping code, which previously removed event handlers if they were inside a tag. They changed it so that it also removed all event handlers after a single quote, no matter if it was in a tag or not. And while it addressed the PoC code in my earlier post, they did not implement the recomended fix, and now again find themselves vulnerable.

The reason this is not enough is because there are considerably more XSS attack vectors than the simple one I used. They range from the simplest (using other encapsulation characters - as this attack does) to using style and other attributes and tags to execute javascript.

2.2 Other XSS Fragmentation Attacks
Now, it would have been considerably more interesting to come out with a completely different XSS Fragmentation attack, but sadly that is not possible due to the way MySpace's filter works.

One of the requirements for being able to execute an XSS Fragmentation attack is that the filter must be stateful (or contextual, or however you want to describe it), in that it will allow things that are malicious under some circumstances to be included if they are judged to be being inserted in safe circumstances.

The only part of MySpace's filter which does this is the event handler code. All th other vectors which could be used like javascript in image tags, or javascript in URLs for background images, etc, are all filteredout wherever they are. For example if you type "moz-binding" in any input field it is automatically filtered out, the same goes for "expression (", "javascript:", "data:" and several others. In effect this stops XSS Fragmentation attacks in these altogether. And while this seems like its is not a very good solution because it possible for users to need to type those words normally, thats the way its been done, and no-one is complaining.

3.0 PoC
This PoC is almost identical to the previous one, except the single quotes (') are changed to grave accents (`). Insert these 2 separate pieces of code into 2 separate input fields: (Note: This only works on IE and Netscape 8.1, because other browsers don't understand grave accents as encapsulation chracters for HTML tag attributes.)

<body test=`

` onLoad="alert('XSS');">

4.0 Final Notes
Well, what can I say? I explained a fix, they didn't use it, they ended up being vulnerbale again, what a surprise.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Online Reverse Lookup Tables For Various Hashing Algorithms

Here's a list of the various online reverse-lookup tables I found, they all support md5, but some support other hashes as well (including SHA-1 & NT/LM)

If you know of any more PLEASE tell me and I'll add them to the list.

Update: C'mon guys, is it that hard to just leave a comment with the other crackers you know about? I don't moderate comments, you don't need to sign up or anything, just leave a link. I know you guys know of more than this list because I check the referers Google Analytics tells me about, and go to forums and find people linking to others, but no-one has told me of any extra ones.

Some of them seem to be down atm, but since I'm not sure how long they've been down or if they're coming back I'm posting them anyway.

md5: (formerly (good with words) (English dictionary, nearly all one to four character alphanumeric. 27.8m records.) - seems to be down atm (British, Jargon and American worldlist, IP addresses 16.0m records) (good with numbers) (wordlist based, I think) (It seems to say its good, but I've never gotten many hits form here) (this one is quite good and generally returns results, but you have to submit things to be cracked, its not just an online database) (does various, including LM NTLM and SHA-1, but seems to return no results on anything than the most basic, so rather useless) - Does Norwegian words too (for those who can't read russian: put your md5 in the second box) (German, I have no idea....) (Projects->md5 reverse lookup) (I'm not sure i'd trust this site to give more than a tiny amount of results) (requires people to contribute rainbowtables to be able to query them, and continue contributing them constantly) (This is meant to be used as proof that they can actually reverse passwords to convince you to buy their stuff, but as long as they decrypt it it doesn't matter why, right?) (The form at the bottom left of the page) (Queries the MD5 Library AIM Bot)

lm Only: (Currently Offline) (Currently Offline)

lm + ntlm:



Saturday, October 21, 2006

XSS Fragmentation Attacks + MySpace 0day

Fragmentation Is Not Just For The Network
XSS Fragmentation Attacks
Written 18/10/06
by kuza55


1.0 Introduction to Fragmentation Attacks
2.0 XSS Fragmentation Attacks
3.0 MySpace 0day!
4.0 Mitigation
5.0 Final Notes

1.0 Introduction to Fragmentation Attacks
At the simplest level, fragmentation attacks are possible when several fragments, which are by themselves not a security risk and can therefore be allowed to pass through a filter or firewall, but when the fragments reach their destination the fragments are combined and produce something dangerous.

Fragmentation attacks are usually seen in relation to the network/session layer where firewalls and IDSs try to filter packets on how dangerous they are deemed to be, they are also used to sometimes fool those same devices which try to rearrange the packets themselves and read the streams, but that is not what this article is about, this article is specifically about attacks where the whole document is not reassembled and checked.

2.0 XSS Fragmentation Attacks
XSS Fragmentation attacks are generally quite rare because they require either multiple sets of input being displayed on the same page which have all gone through the same (or at least a similar) XSS filter and are not tidied up.

Another requirement that must be placed on the XSS filter is that it must be completely dumb in the sense that it simply strips away < and > characters, or it is stateful, and allows certain strings in places where it would not allow them, e.g. <body onload="alert('XSS');"> would not be allowed, but onload="alert('XSS');" would be.

The idea behind XSS fragmentation attacks is to have your normally non-dangerous code (e.g. onload="alert('XSS');") placed in a dangerous position.

The simplest place to get your code placed is inside another tag and that is the example I'll go with now.

3.0 MySpace 0day!
The example I'll be using is a MySpace 0day I discovered. First of all I’ll give a quick explanation of the system MySpace has. You are not just given a single field to enter your profile into, you are given several fields about yourself, who you'd like to meet, your interests, etc.

Anyway, the sections we will be attacking are the most closely placed sections on the page, the interests sections (more specifically the Music and Film ones), normally your resulting code looks like this:
<tr id=MusicRow><td valign="top" align="left" width="100" bgcolor="#b1d0f0"><span class="lightbluetext8">Music</span></td><td id="ProfileMusic" width="175" bgcolor="#d5e8fb" style="WORD-WRAP: break-word">Music Goes Here!</td></tr><script language="JavaScript">highlightInterests("ProfileMusic");</script><tr id=FilmsRow><td valign="top" align="left" width="100" bgcolor="#b1d0f0"><span class="lightbluetext8">Films</span></td><td id="ProfileFilms" width="175" bgcolor="#d5e8fb" style="WORD-WRAP: break-word">Films Go Here!</td></tr>

The only things separating our 2 fields was this small block of code:
</span></td><td id="ProfileMusic" width="175" bgcolor="#d5e8fb" style="WORD-WRAP: break-word">Music Goes Here!</td></tr><script language="JavaScript">highlightInterests("ProfileMusic");</script><tr id=FilmsRow><td valign="top" align="left" width="100" bgcolor="#b1d0f0"><span class="lightbluetext8">Films</span></td><td id="ProfileFilms" width="175" bgcolor="#d5e8fb" style="WORD-WRAP: break-word">

Now what interesting things can we see about that code, well we can see that there are no single quotes there at all, and the only quotes used are double quotes.

So of course we can do something to encapsulate the text in between like so:
<tr id=MusicRow><td valign="top" align="left" width="100" bgcolor="#b1d0f0"><span class="lightbluetext8">Music</span></td><td id="ProfileMusic" width="175" bgcolor="#d5e8fb" style="WORD-WRAP: break-word"><body test='</td></tr><script language="JavaScript">highlightInterests("ProfileMusic");</script><tr id=FilmsRow><td valign="top" align="left" width="100" bgcolor="#b1d0f0"><span class="lightbluetext8">Films</span></td><td id="ProfileFilms" width="175" bgcolor="#d5e8fb" style="WORD-WRAP: break-word">'>Films Go Here!</td></tr>
and as you can see we have included all that text in between in the test parameter for the body tag we've introduced! And as you can also see we have the ability to write things into our tag in the second input field and it will be automatically place din a dangerous position! So if we make our Films field look like so:
' onLoad="alert('XSS');"></body>
then we have XSS.

This is exactly the attack used on MySpace, and should work on many other sites where input is not cleaned up and dangling tags are allowed to be posted.

Maybe on some sites which allow user comments on articles, etc are vulnerable?
(Note: Wordpress and Blogger aren't vulnerable, see Mitigation)

4.0 Mitigation
The root of this problem is that sections are filtered separately, but that problem is one that is probably too time-consuming to bother with as fixing another requirement needed for the attack to work is much easier to fix.

The easiest fix is to use something many filtering systems already do for other reasons: disallow incomplete/unclosed tags. At the moment I see no way of being able to exploit the above idea if the filtering engine does not allow either unfinished tags (like in the example above) or unclosed tags (e.g. <style> tags).

5.0 Final Notes
Well, what can I say, this is probably a corner case of XSS filter evasion, but it is a corner case that could possibly be applied to many situations since we seem to be able to post html comments in many places these days. I also hope it helps illustrate how security mechanisms such as XSS filters cannot be used as simple drop in modules, but have to be integrated into your design for them to work effectively.

Sadly/Luckily (depending on your viewpoint) manyfilters such as the ones employed by Wordpress and Blogger force you to have 'neat' HTML so this attack is impossible on those 2 cases.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Updated my article entitled " Writing an XSS Worm" to v0.3

Just posting to say that I've updated the guide I've written to include a brief explanation of how to create an XSS worm using Flash. The aditions are not very in depth and exist to give it more completeness than any other reason, but that is primarily because all that needs to be done with Flash is so self explanatory I don't really believe I need to provide any worm code for people to be able to easily grasp the idea and be able to implement it.

If you are only interested in seeing the updates, I have marked all the updates with the word "Update:" in bold so they should be easy to find.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Ruxcon 2006

Note:(15/11/06): (metlstorm's site - which hosts many of the files linked to here) is down and so I've uploaded all the files related to his talk here:

Its quite a while after Ruxcon is over, but I completely forgot I even had a blog, let alone remembered to actually update it.

Anyway, Ruxcon was awesome, saw some really cool talks, saw some really amazing things, saw more applications for existing ideas.

But the one talk I'm sure will stand out in everyone's mind is's Adam "Metlstorm" Boileau's "Hit By A Bus: Physical Access Attacks with Firewire" talk. Only 2 new things were really unveiled in this talk (not that that minimises their importance), but due to his theatrics it was the one that everyone I talked to mentioned as their favourite for the first day.

I'm not going to outline it since I wouldn't give it the credit it deserves, so i recomend going and having a look at his presentation here: and also on the page relating to the talk on his own website where all the tools/code have been uploaded:

I will cover the 2 new things that he disclosed though:

Firewire Direct Memory Access (DMA) attacks which were previously not possible against Windows now are. The way to gain DMA in a windows machine through firewire is to pretnd to be a trustworthy device like an iPod or similar, not an evil Linux box.

BIOS and Disk Encryption passwords are storedin the realmode keyboard buffer which is not cleared when the computer enters protected mode, and so BIOS and disk encryption passwords are still in memory when the computer is running. THe nly limitation to this though is that the buffer is limited to 15 characters, so while its going to get you the whole passord most of the time, its not going to get it all the time, but even so, 15 characters is still a lot of information.

So as he said "Firewire is great. Everyone should get Firewire.", now time to get a box with a Firewire port and linux on my iPod and we'll see what havoc I can cause, :p

I also rather enjoyed Ilja van Sprundel's talk entitled "Unusual Bugs" for which the presentation can be found here: It was rather interesting to me since I have not had much experience in security outside wb apps, so it helped a lot. There'a a funny little quotes on one of his websites, which I found rather amusing:

A warning: printf uses its first argument to decide how many arguments follow and what their type is. It will get confused, and you will get wrong answers, if there are not enough arguments of if they are the wrong type. You should also be aware of the difference between these two calls:

printf(s); /* FAILS if s contains % */
printf("%s", s); /* SAFE */

-- The C programming language 2nd edition (1988).

And the other talk which i really enjoyed was the second last talk of the conference, which was Ben Hawkes' "Exploiting OpenBSD" for which slides are vailiable at it helped me understand more fully the protections in place in OpenBSD, and Operating Systems in general. Furthermore I found it interesting that the technique which Ben described as "byte for byte" brute forcing is an idea described in several articles in web application security for doing Blind SQL Injection Table Enumeration[1]. This leads me to believe that we are destined to solving the same problems over and over for every single technology, not just finding out that forgetting to Authenticate is bad in web apps, then completely forgetting the idea for AJAX (as per Andrew van der Stock's "Ajax Security" talk), or as the case is here thinking of an idea for attacking web apps and then not trying to think of what other applications the idea might have.

Not that I'm trying to diminish Ben's idea, it is one that really helps, but it is one I'm sure that anyone who has seen the SQL Injection technique I have described will automatically jump to when thinking of how to execute a "better brute force" attack, I know that was the first thing I thought of when he started saying he had thought of a better technique.....

Anyway, I had a great time, saw some interesting things, learned a lot, and met a few people. Also an interesting bit of trivia; at the Google party on the saturday night which I think approximately 60-80 people attended they drank $4,000 of drinks on googleaccount, and the moment this was announced the following morning a huge chear went up, just before another employee's - Morgan Marquis-Boire - talk "Access over Ethernet: Insecurites in AoE".

[1] I'll try to find where I found this mentioned, but essentially the idea is that when performing Blind SQL injection its possible to do checks on single letters rather than whole records, so you can find out how many tables begin with the letter a, the letter b, the letter c, etc, and then for each of those see how many have the second letter asa, as b, etc, etc, and run a brute force letter by letter.

Well, i didn't find the article I read (probably because i read the article on some obscure hacking site at least 6 months ago, and I have no idea where that could be), but I found an article on using a tool which uses the described attak here: