(The following rewritten for clarity. 28/20/06 11PM GMT)
MySpace XSS Vulnerability 0day
Released 28/10/06
by kuza55 of w4ck1ng.com
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Analysis
2.1 MySpace's Fix
2.2 Other XSS Fragmentation Attacks
3.0 PoC
4.0 Final Notes
1.0 Introduction
The vulnerability explained here is an XSS Fragmentation attack. Breifly, and XSS Fragmentation attack is one which works by placing 2 seperately harmless pieces of HTML into two different input field which are rendered on the same page, which when rendered join to create a dangerous attack vector. More details, along with the previous MySpace attack, can be found here: XSS Fragmentation Attacks + Myspace 0day
MySpace found about the vulnerability in the above link and implemented a 'fix', it hasn't held.
2.0 Analysis
This section should explain what MySpace did, and why other Fragmentation attacks don't work.
2.1 MySpace's Fix
This section assumes you already know about the previous vulnerbaility.
Anyway, the fix that MySpace implemented altered their event handler stripping code, which previously removed event handlers if they were inside a tag. They changed it so that it also removed all event handlers after a single quote, no matter if it was in a tag or not. And while it addressed the PoC code in my earlier post, they did not implement the recomended fix, and now again find themselves vulnerable.
The reason this is not enough is because there are considerably more XSS attack vectors than the simple one I used. They range from the simplest (using other encapsulation characters - as this attack does) to using style and other attributes and tags to execute javascript.
2.2 Other XSS Fragmentation Attacks
Now, it would have been considerably more interesting to come out with a completely different XSS Fragmentation attack, but sadly that is not possible due to the way MySpace's filter works.
One of the requirements for being able to execute an XSS Fragmentation attack is that the filter must be stateful (or contextual, or however you want to describe it), in that it will allow things that are malicious under some circumstances to be included if they are judged to be being inserted in safe circumstances.
The only part of MySpace's filter which does this is the event handler code. All th other vectors which could be used like javascript in image tags, or javascript in URLs for background images, etc, are all filteredout wherever they are. For example if you type "moz-binding" in any input field it is automatically filtered out, the same goes for "expression (", "javascript:", "data:" and several others. In effect this stops XSS Fragmentation attacks in these altogether. And while this seems like its is not a very good solution because it possible for users to need to type those words normally, thats the way its been done, and no-one is complaining.
3.0 PoC
This PoC is almost identical to the previous one, except the single quotes (') are changed to grave accents (`). Insert these 2 separate pieces of code into 2 separate input fields: (Note: This only works on IE and Netscape 8.1, because other browsers don't understand grave accents as encapsulation chracters for HTML tag attributes.)
<body test=`
` onLoad="alert('XSS');">
4.0 Final Notes
Well, what can I say? I explained a fix, they didn't use it, they ended up being vulnerbale again, what a surprise.
It appears they are now looking for onload= anywhere in a majority of the tags, however still missing filtering it from companies...however they filter < tags in companies...any ideas?
they aren't filtering DomSubtreeModified but i'm not sure how that event could be triggered.
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